“1 and 1 and 1”
Stuart Stotts wrote “1 and 1 and 1” in reaction to the traditional children’s chant “Eenie, Meanie, Miny, Moe.”

“I’ll Show You the Way”
Tom Smith wrote “I’ll Show You the Way” as an alternative to “Old Folks at Home (Swanee River).”

“Jump & Twirl, Partner!”
Carole Stephens wrote "Jump & Twirl, Partner!" to replace "Jump Jim Joe" in her early childhood repertoire.

“Count Our Numbers”
Uncle Devin’s (Devin Walker) song “Count Our Numbers”, written as an alternative for “Five Little Monkeys.”

“Sing At gayshi’!”
Kim Moberg was inspired by “What Makes a Red Man Red” (from the Disney musical, “Peter Pan”) to write “Sing At gayshi’!”.

“Finders Keepers”
Olivia Brownlee wrote “Finders Keepers” as an alternative to “Amazing Grace.”

“Five Whole Apple Pies”
George Woods wrote “Five Whole Apple Pies” as an alternative for “Five Little Monkeys.”

“I Can I Will”
Sarah Fard wrote “I Can I Will” as an alternative to “Can’t Dance Josie (Chicken on a Fencepost)”

“Ducky Learns to Quack”
Kemp Harris performs “Ducky Learns to Quack”, his alternative for “Five Little Monkeys.”

“A Year in the Garden”
Kim Wallach wrote “A Year in the Garden” as an alternative to “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.”

“I Can’t Wait to Wake Up Tomorrow”
Mark Stepakoff wrote “I Can’t Wait to Wake Up Tomorrow” by reimagining the old song “Hen House Blues” by the Bentley Boys

“Counting Counts”
Eric H. F. Law wrote “Counting Counts” as an alternative for “Ten Little Indians.”

“New Kentucky Sunrise”
Martin Swinger sings “New Kentucky Sunrise” - a song inspired by the Stephen Foster song “My Old Kentucky Home.”

“Macaroni Salad”
Kat Bula wrote “Macaroni Salad” as an alternative to “Shortnin’ Bread.” Plus a bonus track… Kat turns the new alternative to “The Ice Cream Truck Song (Turkey in the Straw)” composed by RZA into a fiddle tune!

“Keep My Head High”
Jeannine Otis and YAKO 440 (Kiriakos Prodis) perform Jeannine’s song "Keep My Head High", an alternative for “Dandy Jim from Caroline“ (published 1843 by C. G. Christman, New York)

“Put Your Finger On It”
“Nanny” Nikki Rung introduces and performs "Put Your Finger On It", an alternative for “Do Your Ears Hang Low” (and "Turkey in the Straw"), written for the Know Better Do Better Project