Please note: For educational purposes, some of the items listed on this page contain images, music and lyrics that are offensive. In general, they are not appropriate to be viewed by young children. Discretion is advised.

Song Lists

Songwriters: Consider using these song lists to identify a song that you would like to research, analyze and then write a new non-derivative alternative.

Songs With a Questionable Past, a Google doc compiled by Lauren McDougle (permission granted by the author)

A List of Problematic Songs and Resources, a Google doc compiled by Kelsey Gamza (permission granted by the author)

List of Blackface Minstrel Songs, Wikipedia

More info about songs to research

Listed in no particular order.

University of South Florida Libraries

History of Minstrelsy, from “Jump Jim Crow” to “The Jazz Singer”

New York Times podcast

Episode 3: The Birth of American Music

Ferris State University, Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia

The Origins of Jim Crow

Kennedi Johnson (permission granted by the author)

Tracing the Origins of Blackface Minstrelsy in Children's Folk Music

Jack Dappa Blues Podcast, Apr 2, 2019

Dom Flemons - Understanding Blackface, Minstrelsy and Early Black Entertainment

Video interview, the music and history of minstrelsy

Live with Carnegie Hall: Rhiannon Giddens with Francesco Turrisi

19 minute segment  of a PBS documentary, “Vaudeville” (2012)

Blacks and Vaudeville

Medium article, by Dr. Katya Ermolaeva

Dinah Put Down Your Horn

The White Fear of Taking Racist Songs Out of Music Education, by Martin Urbach

You Might Be Left With Silence When You’re Done

Mother Jones, by Michael Mechanic

The Music I Love is a Racial Minefield

African American Film History - TCM Original Production: Documentary

Blackface and Hollywood

WBUR article by Alastair Moock.

Why I'd Rather Live Woody Guthrie's Words Than Sing Them

The “Ice Cream Truck Song” or “Turkey in the Straw”

History of the Ice Cream Truck Song, NPR article by Theodore R. Johnson III
Good Humor teams up with RZA to write a new Ice Cream Truck jingle.