“Macaroni Salad”
Kat Bula describes why she wrote "Macaroni Salad" as a replacement for "Shortnin' Bread".
Kat Bula performs her song "Macaroni Salad", composed as a replacement for "Shortnin' Bread".
"Macaroni Salad"
© 2021 Kat Bula, www.katbula.com
For the Know Better Do Better Project.
Permission granted for educational and personal purposes only.
Macaroni salad with garden peas
Macaroni salad with yellow cheese
We’re all a little different but we all agree
On macaroni salad with mayonnaise please
A mama and a daddy had eighteen kids
I don’t know how, but they really did
And all of them had the same birthday
What could they make to celebrate?
Some liked broccoli, some liked beets
Some liked tofu, some liked meat
Some liked rice, and some liked bread
But when the children talked about it, here’s what they said
You like cake, and I like pie
You like chicken wings, I like thighs
You like tacos, I like pho
But there’s only one thing everybody loves
/ D - - - /
/ D - - - /
/ A7 - - - /
/ A7 - D - /
/ D - - - /
/ A7 - - - /
/ A7 - - - /
/ A7 x x x /
Note: Kat plays this on guitar with a capo on the 2nd fret, so the chord shapes she uses in the video are C and G7, instead of D and A7 respectively.
Options: stomp, clap, or pound fists on the table when naming salad ingredients (GAR-DEN PEAS!, YEL-LOW CHEESE!, MAYO-NNAISE PLEASE!)
BONUS TRACK: “New Ice Cream Truck Jingle by Good Humor x RZA”
Kat Bula turns RZA’s new alternative to “The Ice Cream Truck Song (Turkey in the Straw)” into a fiddle tune!
Read Kat Bula’s full blog post "Fiddling with the Wu Tang ice cream truck?", or watch RZA give the story behind his New Ice Cream Truck Jingle below.
Rapper, music producer and founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, RZA, reimagines the ice cream truck jingle (“Turkey in the Straw”).