“Five Whole Apple Pies”
George Woods describes the process of writing "5 Whole Apple Pies" as an alternative to the traditional song, "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed"
George sings “5 Whole Apple Pies.”
George's song keeps the fun counting-down aspect of "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". Like the original, it is repetitive, easy to learn, sing and dance too. George adds a fun finger play that kids will enjoy. We are certain that having a new baby in his house inspired George to take his songwriting assignment in this direction.
"5 Whole Apple Pies"
© 2020 George Woods, www.georgewoodsmusic.com
Permission granted to be used for personal and educational purposes.
Five whole apple pies cooling in the kitchen
You told me not to touch but I didn't listen
Five whole apple pies and you walk out the door
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. Now there's only four
Four whole apple pies cooling in the kitchen
You told me not to touch but I didn't listen
Four whole apple pies and just when you won't see
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. Now there's only three
Three whole apple pies cooling in the kitchen
You told me not to touch but I didn't listen
Three whole apple pies and you know what I do
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. Now there's only two
Two whole apple pies cooling in the kitchen
You told me not to touch but I didn't listen
Two whole apple pies and you know what I've done
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. now there's only one
One lonely apple pie, I'm gonna be in trouble
You told me not to touch it but I had to gobble
One lonely apple pie, I slice it up real thin
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. I'll share it with my friends.
Numm, Numm, Nummy Numm. Let's share it with our friends.
Key G, 4/4 time. Chords.
/ G - - - / G - - - / G - - - / G - - - /
/ D - - - / D - - - / G - - - / G - - - /
/ G - - - / G - - - / G - - - / G - - - /
/ D - - - / D - - - / D - - - / G - - - /